Environmental Policy


Environmental Policy

As Thor Adapter, protecting the environment and ensuring sustainability are of great importance to us. For this reason, we have adopted environmental policy and sustainability principles in our business.

Our environmental policy includes the goals, objectives and methods we have determined in order to protect the environment and ensure sustainability. In line with this policy, we take the necessary measures to minimize waste generation by using environmentally friendly production methods, to save energy, to use recyclable materials and to minimize environmental pollution.

In our business, we organize trainings to instill environmental awareness in all our employees and encourage environmentally friendly practices. In addition, we inform our customers about our environmental policy and enable them to use environmentally friendly products.

Another important point of our environmental policy is the correct management of waste. In line with our waste management plan, recyclable materials are separated and recycled. In addition, we take the necessary measures for the correct disposal of hazardous wastes.

It is important to us not only the quality of our products, but also that they are produced in an environmentally friendly manner. For this reason, we are on the way to become an environmentally friendly business by making continuous improvement studies in line with our environmental policy.

As a result, the aim of our environmental policy is to protect the environment, ensure sustainability and minimize our negative impact on the environment. Accordingly, we adopt environmentally friendly practices in all our activities.